Monday 27 January 2014

What I learnt from Romans chapter 8

We are slaves to sin, due to our sinful nature. No matter how hard we try to be good, doing the good deeds by our own effort we are still sinful.

Because the Law is holy, it sets the standard for us to be holy and blameless before God. Yet, because of the Law, we are conscious of sin. Without Law, we won't know sin. We can never follow the law because of our sinful nature. For example, the Law said that we shall not lied. But who on earth have never lied? When we lied, we sin. And when we sin, we can not please God, and God will banish us from his presence, because no sin shall enter heaven, and we will be doomed for hell. True, due to our sinful nature, we are doomed for hell. The punishment of sin is death (spiritual death, hell)

But the good news is, God sent Jesus to die for us. Jesus took the punishment for us by dying on the cross. When we have Jesus, we are set free from the bondage of sin. Because sin demands punishment, Jesus acts as the ultimate sacrifice for our redemption. Since Jesus took the punishment of all sins of mankind, he washed our sin. In another words, when we have Jesus in us (believing in Jesus), even though when we sin, we will still be blameless and holy before God because Jesus washed away our sins and carried our punishment. In this way, we can stand holy and blameless before the Holy God. All glory goes to Jesus.

Yet, does it mean that once we received Jesus, we can be the most sinful person on the earth. Nope. When we have Jesus in us, we will bear the Fruit of righteousness. We will do what Jesus wills for us. We will hate evil desires. The holy spirit will guide us, improving ourselves day by day.

Yet, does it mean that when we received Jesus, we have to do good works to ensure our salvation? Nope. Good works (by our own effort) can never earn merits to heaven. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. It is only by him, not by our own deeds, that we can enter the presence of God. The good works is a symptom, a fruit, an evidence that Jesus Christ is living is us. 

No Jesus, no redemption of sin, no eternal life.
Got Jesus, got redemption of sin, got life.

Know the truth: We all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (the standard of God). The greatest news is that Jesus had redeemed all of us through his death. All we need to do is to believe in Jesus to receive eternal life. What a wonderful news! He is the savior of mankind.

So, if it happens that you are reading this (although probably no one will be reading this), it will be nice to receive Jesus now if you haven't. There's no rituals needed, just belief. You are just a step away from receiving God's love and the freedom from sin's bondage. You can read this prayer:

Lord Jesus,
Sorry Lord for the wrongs that I've done
Come into my heart,
be my Lord and savior
I believe you have washed away my sins and gave me new life
I receive this new life now
Thank you Lord for changing me
From now on I will live for you
In Jesus' Christ name I pray,

That's it! It is highly recommended that you find and settle in a local church to grow your faith and understandings. Remember, Christianity (as a religion) can't save mankind. It is only by having Jesus in our heart that we are saved and set free.
So, strictly speaking, this is not a Christian-related post. But this is all about Jesus' amazing love for us.

To find out more about Jesus, you can read the book of John as a start.

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