Sunday 2 February 2014

A personal prayer

Lord Jesus,

Thank you for sustaining us, the whole time. God you are faithful and just. You will never leave us nor forsake us. Lord, your abundance flows, overflowing in full measure.

Father God, if it's your will, allow me to further my study in UK, in a good university and a good course. I ask that oh God, let the process to be smooth and may your will be done, your name be glorified. I commit all these things into your hand. God, you are in control of everything single thing in my life. I commit my life unto you.

I will do my best in everything because I can do all things through Christ who strengthened me. So Lord Jesus, thank you for being with me, I know I am fine and safe as long as you are in me. Father God, thank you for the power, the grace, the mercy, the blessings that you had richly blessed me evidently.

I am a nobody. Yet you used me for your glory. Oh God, all glory goes back to you. Thank you Jesus for your guidance in my life. Lord, let your will be done in my life.

In Jesus Christ name I pray,

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