Wednesday 22 January 2014

Amateur History Analysis: Similarity of Greco-Roman Period and the Modern World

Amateur History Analysis: Similarity of Greco-Roman Period and the Modern World
Noted Parallels
Had a relative peak in civilization (science, technology, social, military…etc) with the Minoan and Mycenaean Greek cultures/Civilization
Had a relative peak in civilization (science, technology, social, military…etc) with the Greco-Roman period (Classical Antiquity age: 800BC – 400A.D)

Had a dark age (fall of literacy, science, technology, social life…etc) with the fall of Minoan and Mycenaean Greek civilization, known as Greek Dark Ages (1200BC – 800BC)
Had a dark age (fall of literacy, science, technology, social life…etc) with the fall of Roman Empire, known as Dark Ages (400 AD – 1400AD)

Had a renaissance with the emergence of Homer (around 800BC). Civilization began to rise (urbanization, population growth, social life improvement, democracy…etc)
Had a renaissance with the emergence of various icons such as Galileo and Bach (around 1500AD). Civilization began to rise (urbanization, population growth, social life improvement, democracy…etc)

Greek Archipelago is filled with many independent city states. Trading links grow, Greek colonies are set up to the extent of Black Sea’s coast to Iberian coast.
European nations began to rise into globalization. Global trade grows (ever since Columbus struck America and Magellan sailed around the world). European powers (especially Spain, Portugal, Britain, France, Netherlands, Russia )set up colonies in all parts of the world. The idea of democracy (as opposed to tyranny by kings) is being implanted through various revolutions such as England’s Glorious revolution and the execution of French Royal Family during the French Revolution.

Tension rises between major city states, especially Sparta, Athens and Thebes.
Tension rises between major European powers, causing the seven years’ war.

The rise of Persia in the east (and Persia’s invasion on the Greek/Ionian Land) unites the Greek cities in defense of their homeland and civilization. Greek Archipelago is torn between Free Greeks and Persian Empire
The rise of Germany unites Russia, Britain and France in resistance during World War I. Britain survives because she has a powerful  navy, countering Germany’s land forces. 
The rise of communism threatens Western Europe, which eventually united them. The World (Europe in particular) is torn between Communism to the east, and Free democratic nations to the west.
The Greeks eventually won the war. But they were permanently weakened. Macedonia is building up her power. By 200BC, the Greek City States’ powers are dwarfed by the Romans.
The traditional European colonial powers had dwindled after World War I. Economy of the allies (Britain, France and Russia) were badly damaged after the war. America is building up her power. By the turn of 20th century, the European powers are dwarfed by  USA.
British is worn down by two World Wars. France, Germany and Russia is exhausted. USA is building up her power after World War II.
The rise of Macedonia unites the Greek by conquering the Greek Archipelago. Macedonia will eventually defeat Persia. Hellenistic age began with the spreading of Greek cultures to the edge of the known world (to Afghanistan). Greek people emigrate to the indo-Greek kingdom in the east.
America unites (or Neo-colonize) the Western Europe, which eventually defeat the Nazis and the Soviets in World War II and subsequent cold war. American ideals of democracy is spread to the world (particularly eastern Europe). Mass migration followed after the iron curtain is lifted off.

The rise of Rome: Rome culture is borrowed from the Greeks. Rome overthrew the king to establish a republic. Eventually, Rome defeats the Etruscans. Rome unites the Italian Peninsular and gained Hispania
The rise of USA: USA’s culture is borrowed from Europe (due to migration). USA rebelled against the British Empire, establishing a republic. USA eventually stretches westward gradually, reaching California. USA acquired Philippines from the Spanish Empire after the Spanish-American War.

Roman Empire began to dominate the Mediterranean, especially after the defeat of Carthage in the Punic Wars. Roman Empire eventually engulfed the Greek Cities.
USA defeated the Japanese during World War II, gained dominance in the world. USA eventually dominates the world affairs, after the fall of Soviet Union.

Roman republic is replaced with Monarchy. The monarchy will rule the empire for centuries.

Some day one world government will be established due to unprecedented globalisation, and it will be authoritarian.
Unprecedented economic growth, urbanization, social life, technology, transport followed with the Roman Empire, especially during the Pax Romana.
Unprecedented economic growth, urbanization, social life, technology, transport followed with the Western World, especially after the Cold War (USA dominated).

Rome is threatened by Barbaric Tribes, which will eventually led to her downfall during the 5th century.
USA is threatened by various emerging nations such as China and Russia. Not to mention the terrorist attacks in various places.

Question: If USA fall, will mankind suffer dark age again?


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