Monday 24 December 2012

Oh my

Haiz... I am down. Very down

better express this out than to keep this in my heart, though it may sounds funny and ridiculous.

Well, erm i am 17 years old. This world is governed by relativity. Am I old? Yup if you are a small kid. Am I young? Yup if you are my granpa

So, am I mature enough to handle life after SPM? Yup if you are my junior. No if you are my parents or senior.

I just hope that I am ready to face the world. I am tired to held on to this facade of maturity. Inside I have a tumult mind. I wanted to get silly. But I know I just cant do that. I am waiting to blow up. In the end, I myself is suffering.

I just need an environment where I can be myself, regardless what ppl say. Go ahead and say that I am still immature because I am indeed! Yet, the cost of immaturity is heavy. Oh my please help me I m stuck!

How I wish I can shut down my mind from thinking too much. Thinking too much do more harm than good

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