Yep, SPM is half way done. 5 subjects down, 7 more to go. I have no idea how I did well in the trial. If I say is luck, no one believe me. Deep down I know it is by God's grace and mercy that i can do tis. It is never by my strength. I never expect I could achieve tis on my own. It is owez by God's awesome power tat such great things can happen. Well, SPM IS HERE AND i AM NOT SURE WHAT MINDSET SHUD i HAVE.
When trial, I am stressed up, beefed up and totally oblivious.
In SPM, it is a different story. My sisters are awesome. They got straight A's and totally dependent to God. Nobody thought that they are going to get that far. My school is notorious for being posh, snobbish and totally arrogant. The students looked down on my sisters. But in the end, what rili matters is that my sisters totally trust God, place their worries unto him and give thnx for all that he had done. It is never about the amount of A's in the slip, it is about putting God first than anything else.
Hm SPM standard is high. I onced dream of geeting straight A+. I knew it is impossible for me. But with God, it is possible. So how to do it "with God?" I thought deeply about it. Then I realised is that I have to believe God can do the impossible. A small town, small guy guy like could be the testimony of God's power. The more the weakness i have shown, the greater, the more contrast, the more obvious God's strength will be shown.
Well, no one actually expect me to get straight A+, neither do me. But I believe in this Super God. What for I get all A+ if I only bring glory to myself? There are many more people who scored full A+. But wat tis result become special becoz of God's help, not by my own strength. It is a pleasure to die to oneself, be alive with Christ. Let Christ's light shine, and I am carrying out his purpose. Yes, Let God's glory be shown in tis small puny matter.
My Subjects:
Let's pray for them!!!
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