Wednesday 16 September 2015

What I learnt from working

This is my experience, working in food service industry

1. There will be arseholes, like really bad and rude attitude: Proud, arrogant, busy body, just arse
2. There will be people who worked like horse and still not being paid deservingly
3. You are new, you will be blamed for everything, even if you didn't do anything wrong. Anything goes wrong, your fault. No time for explanation. Nobody cares your side of the story
4. There will be people telling you what to do, bossing around (even if they're technically the same level as you)
5. There will be racism
6. Language barrier is a big problem
7. By God's grace there will be someone who will look after you, making sure you are okay
8. You will be exploited
9. The only solace is the wages
10. There will be gossips, backstabbing and betrayal,, in order to climb the ladder

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