Tuesday 22 September 2015


I feel stressed like sh*t,
the prospect of being a team member in one of the fellowships, in an uncomfortable zone, drain the energy 100% out of me

It is like being dragged along by the neck, through rocky, steep mountain slopes, Or crushed by 1000 tonnes of stone, or just being buried in the ground, face down.

The prospect or the certainty of facing major rejections in applying for placement year, the prospect of going back to Malaysia, the prospect of being stretched - out of comfort zone, the prospect of forcibly being extrovert when I'm not, the prospect of "why the heck did i joined the Hong Kong ppl"
All these really stressed the sh*t out of me

recently I'm rejected for a scholarship. I guess it't the beginning of rejection.
Let God's will be done, on earth as it is in heaven
God is in control
Do my best, expect nothing, let God do the rest
God's ways are higher (Isaiah)
Stressed weh, my dad just sent me an email detailing a common story of how wishful Malaysians who wanted to migrate abroad got dragged back to Malaysia, to fulfil God's plan and purposes. God closed the doors of Hannah Yeoh in Australia so that she can come back to Malaysia to serve as a Member of Parliament.

Am I Joseph/Daniel or Moses? Do I stay or go back? God wants me to stay or back? I have no idea and I really don't want to go against the Lord
God, I'm open to anything, as long as you are with Me

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