Wednesday 2 September 2015

Honest Thoughts of the day

I knew I am so wrong for thinking like this and not grateful. I knew I should focus on the bright side, I knew I should be more positive and don't be too concerned about self-image

I am feeling more and more unhappy at work. I got this job because they are desperate for more people in the store and they happen to find me. That's it. I get blamed for most of the wrong things that I didn't do (although some I did do accidentally haha)

I feel very bad, low self-esteem, why? Because most of my friends are engaged in pretty professional internships, while I'm doing this job, serving food. 

Worst part is that I have to face the people I know, I really hate it. I really want to separate my work, friends and studies. But in most cases, they will overlap. And the less worst part is, the coworkers all speak Korean. The manager don't like me because I'm stubborn (and probably I got face problem), and I don't work on Sundays. 

Then, got one worker I particular don't really like, because he likes to screw me, for small little reason. I don't know why probably I'm chinese hahaha. Most of the time I did nothing wrong on principle, but he will still screw me for blocking his way, not doing things according to his ways etc. To be honest, I don't like to cuss but this guy made me think that all Korean men are arseholes. Probably I'm an arsehole to them as well haha. Don't know la, but I really don't like him hahaha. He likes to screw me, that's the breaking point and that's the moment I realized I need to quit. Because I'm not happy.

I don't like the fact that I can't understand what they say, especially when I know they're talking about me. 

I hate meeting the people I know in the restaurant, it made me feel so bad. I don't want them to see me in a 狼狈 situation. I got my ego, I don;t want to be seen working in this menial job hahahaha. But that's not fair to my coworkers. I need to be proud of where I'm working. Hence, I should be more positive and receptive.

Hong kies,, haiz. Why did I decided to join them. Now 2 hong kies will come back early. And Hong kies have the reputation to look down on people and comment like shitty negatively. YEP Hong Kong is the best, and Hong kies are the smartest. When they see me working serving them, I will feel very very weird, seriously. In fact, I will feel very awkward to respond to their surprise. Yes, I stay over the summer just to work in this shitty job, yes I'm screwed. I'm not in some good ass internship because I stupid, happy? It is super weird for me to see myself in a fastfood restaurant outfit, serving my friends. Super awkward and weird (because I looked down on this occupation)

The only good part from this job is that I'm able to get some money, and occupy myself for the summer. That's about it I guess. I have to get over the fact that I'm doing this job. I have to thank God for the opportunity in this job. 

I can't wait for the last day of my job, and ,... Freedom! End of slavery ahaha. But I 'll miss the money.. hmmmm

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