Monday 21 January 2013

A miracle!

I will be travelling to USA 2molo. Yesterday AFS Malaysia say they need an additional flu jab letter. They need it today. Yes i did get an additional flu jab. But i dont know AFS need an additional letter.

I cant go back to the doctors because I am like thousand miles away from the doctor in KK. (I am in KL)

So, how can I get an immunization letter in 24 hours?

It was a really big miracle(s) by God!

Miracle #1: my uncle willing to help me

My uncle in KK went to the doctor to get the immunization letter.  Miracle #2: The doctor is willing to write one!

Then he went to the KK airport to find someone to bring it to my dad in KL airport. Miracle #3: Some malay woman is kind enough to help!

My dad went all the way from hotel to the airport (about 1 hour journey) Miracle #4: Dad has the strength and compassion to help me in this little matter. The Malay women managed to find my dad.

Miracle#5: There is a 7-eleven shop near the hotel

Miracle#6: A kind cashier helped me to scan, print and photocopy

Miracle#7: There is internet connection in the hotel

In the end, I can send it to AFS Malaysia. Coincidence? No!! This is obviously miracle by God! What a testimony!

I begin to wonder what all these troublesome is for. Actually it is not so much about overcoming the problems, it is about trusting God and giving God all the glories. I believe he will heal my sore throat which is very irritation right now!

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