Wednesday 9 January 2013

A hated guy

Well, my blog is not meant to gain pageviews or make money out of it. So i will not care wat i write will attract more views or not..

Well, there is this guy in my (ex) secondary school. I wont mention his name here but... well he is hated almost by everyone for no particular reason at all.

No, he dont have physical deformation, it is wat inside of him. I used to be like him u know... haha. then later i come to my sense and maturity, i decided to try my best to put down tat part of me every single second.

Imagine I cant be myself in every circumstances bcoz of the "hated nature" of myself. Hard to describe the feelings by using words but it is like a constant inner struggle. One part of me, the maturity is trying to put down the another part of me, the senseless naive kid.

Back to the guy, well I know i can not hate tat guy bcoz he is God's beloved creation. God did asked us love the unlovable. So.... I m categorizing him as unlovable. Yes, i m judging him. Sometimes, i felt sorry 4 him. I mean, wat had he done tat made us so hate him? He did not really annoy me, but... the moment he talked to me i felt he is irritating.

erm.... deep down i know how he felt bcoz i felt tat b4. I just hope someday he can reach the point of maturity and wisdom,,, not to bother girls anymore using the old fashioned way! hahaha
(i did tat b4 too when i was 14!)

anyway, in context of my experience, my maturity comes with the cost of pain, shame, regret, struggle and perpetual separation from former friendships. Sometimes i wonder is all these worth the prize? is all these must be part of growing up? Can u gain maturity the simpler and easier way? I reckoned i gain it thru a hard way.

I just hope my experience and maturity will be sufficient to face the new challenges in USA.

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