When I looked back, I saw that this was definitely a miracle of God. What a slim chance I have!
I never thought I could pass thru the first round of interview. My mum say that the purpose of joining this program is to allow me to experience the process of interview, beneficial for my life ahead. Nobody thought I pass thru the interview and got to the second round of interview in KL.
Before leaving for KL, my mum and dad keep saying that I cant make it becoz of the slim chance. But there is something telling me that there is a purpose for me when I am in US. God is training me up to be his servant, I am sure God has his plans for me if I am able to make it thru the second round of interview
That night, dad and mum argue about my future. They say I may have to sacrifice alot for a short term enjoyment. I cried that night. Imagine when you dont have family's support, you are like one against the world. My mum and dad keep saying I will fail, better dont go KL. They say if I want to go US they can afford to pay it. Imagine your mum telling you to join a competition and when you wins it to get to the finals, your mum discourage you suddenly because she claimed that the purpose of joining competition is not to win the prize, but to gain experience. That's exactly how I felt. I mean, Mum! If you want me to gain interview experience, there are many ways, not necessary by giving discouragement in this program. You ask me to go for it, I made it, so I will try my best to win it, but now you are stopping me? I am confused. My dad keep asking me not to go KL becoz he say me and Mum rebel against him. Haih
Deep down, I hope I can get it thru the second round of interview. My heart sunken when I heard Marliana and Jazbir, my schoolmates joining the same AFS program, got selected as finalist, whilst I am chosen as a reserve. I mean, that's it, that is the full stop of my journey. Then my parents asked me to stop taking note of what's going on in the AFS program. But if God can make me reach the finalist, although a reserve, certainly he is up to something. 55 Finalist are chosen from 128 applicants which is chosen from over 1000 participants. I never thought I can make it to the finalist. Actually my heart soured abit when Marliana got it, while I get into reserve team. I mean, yes I shud not be jeolous. I just dont want to think too much.
See that now? it is 5% chance that I made it. And I did, so I finish up the forms and pass it up to AFS Malaysia. I tell you, the forms are horrendous, I have to stay up almost everynight just for the form. My dad will not sign the form. HE SCOLDED ME FOR CONTINUING THE PROGRAM
Then, as days pass by, Elaine Chong, a supervisor for AFS Malaysia, called me and said that I am out of the reserve team, into the finalist becoz sum1 dropped out due to private matters. I was overjoyed! The probability of a reserve getting into finalist is very very slim. When my dad heard this, HE SUDDENLY SUPPORT ME. He claim that he had helped me in everything from the begining up to this stage. Well, in reality, he never supported me until the day Elaine called up
Anyway, I am not very happy with the way my parents react. But I thanked God now they supported me. You know sometimes, as parents, when you wanted something good for your child, you must prepare to take risk. Like my mum, she saw how happy Kevin Hui in US so she wanted the same for me. So she asked me to join the program. I hope next time she will think about the cost, risk and responsibilities of letting her children going after certain prizes. Every prize has a price. Every privilege comes with a responsibility. Mum, if you really want me to go US, be prepared to take up your responsibility and risk as a mother to get your child ready.
So, I am overjoyed when I receive confirmation letter today. Yes, I am going to the US. It is a slim chance. Thank God for that. You know, God's plan owez surpass all understandings. Me and Marliana are going together. It was a slim chance too!! Having two finalist from the same school, same city being selected to join the exchange program .
Who ever thought a kampung boy like me is getting off the US? I hope that I have the strength and courage to go thru difficulties in US. Yes, God will strengthen me, he is faithful. IT WAS TOTALLY A MIRACLE
I forgave my parents. I have to be thankful for them. There are no perfect parents. So, accepting their flaws is the key to a blessed family. As their son, I am obliged to show respect and obedience to them, although ....... yes it is hard sometimes especially witnessing how they treated me in this program.... anyway, I loved them very much!
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