No use worrying the things that are yet to come, just trust the lord, place all burdens to him. He keep his promises, he is faithful, he never forsake me. I am sure of his goodness and blessings. I can't stop but praising Jesus' name. Yes, he grant me the peace that nothing on earth could offer.
Sometimes I felt abandoned, but Jesus is always there. I cant see him, but I can feel him inside. God give me strength to go thru the hard papers
Now tis is my BIG BIG problem: I submitted my US visa application with lots of lies. Now I redo again. Later I scare i cannot go to US bcoz of Visa problems. I am worried.
Everytime I face a BIG BIG problem, I know God is BIGGER BIGGER.
Imagine Peter walking on water. If he had total focus on Jesus instead of the horrendous sea, he might no sink. The main thing is not the ability to walk on water and succeed, but to trust Jesus in every circumstances.
The main thing is not 12A+ in SPM, but to trust Jesus for his guidance. In every circumstances, the focal point should beon how great and almighty Jesus is, not How terrible my problems is. Siewlan told me that Jesus will never put you into a situation without providing a way out. He will provide strength, in the process, we learn, moulded, purified and become better.
Though sumtimes we felt that Jesus left us, but he is always there. Oh Lord, may your peace bestow on all SPM students for the coming subjects
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