Thursday 13 July 2017

Spontaneous Thoughts on my current life stage

I think a lot.
Is it healthy?
I don't know
Is it unhealthy?
I don't know

I can't wait for my placement to end

At first,
It was a luxury
"Can have it, but not necessary"
I worked my ass off to secure the placement. Man, at last, I got it, Thank God!

Was it a bad decision? After all,
It made me felt the pain
It made me felt the loneliness
It made me felt the hopelessness
It made me felt the depression
It made me felt the stress
It made me felt my weaknesses like never before
It made me felt the constant mind screwing
It made me felt uncertain about my future
It made me question the world
It made me question my existence

Yet, I am more than thankful for the opportunity
I didn't realize I needed it
I needed the break
I needed the breath of fresh air
I needed the space
I needed the exposure
I needed the new connections
I needed the growth
I needed the maturity, albeit a small little step
I needed the understanding
I needed the strength
I needed the new perspective
I needed the confidence
I needed the freedom

Most of all, I am being shown again, God is present
God is there
God is faithful
He is looking out for me, like a shepherd.

So, I'm hope my placement never end. I thank God for the experience, for all the sweet and bitter.
Sweet - It made me happy
Bitter - It made me grow, no matter how small the steps are, I still grow

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