Tuesday 28 October 2014

Boring facts about myself

It's 28th Oct 2014, these facts are pretty true up to this date

1. I love emo songs, especially emo chinese songs of Jay Chou. I can relate to Jay Chou's songs, lyrics and MVs most of the time.

2.  I have no best friend, or group of really close friends whom I can confide with, since birth. I usually confide with my family members, and it seemed that my sisters can understand me a lot, most probably because we think and act the same way.

3. I love procrastinating. Sometimes, it seemed that working or thinking of a solution in last minute yields the best results.

4. I am shy, very introvert. Yet, sometimes I think I have dual personality. I can suddenly become an outspoken person, and then suddenly become shy and over-thinking again.

5. I love working alone. The idea of having to tolerate lazy or uncooperative person in a group project pretty much make me wanna screw them up. However, I do love to work with people who have more understanding on a subject, where I can learn more things.

6. I really hate prideful people. Sometimes I think I am pretty conceited too. However, I am training myself to tolerate and accept everyone, promoting their good side and accepting their bad side. Nobody is perfect, if not; I have to hate every single person on earth. God teach us to love others, as he had loved us first.

7. I am weak, but God always see me through all obstacles. I got a scholarship because of good results, God blessed me. I can't do it, I suck at studying, but God gave me the determination and wisdom to assail the studies.

8. I love seeking attention. I love to be the center of attention. I will feel sad and despair if people don't praise me or give enough attention to me. I am still struggling to fix this part of me. I need people's agreement, people's praises, people's acknowledgement. I am very sensitive on how people look at me.

9. Every now and then, bad memories in the past, especially memories on how bad, irresponsible, immature of me to hurt others in the past.. these memories will crop up in my mind and pretty much torture me. I'll pray about it and ask God to help me to accept the past, learn from it and move on.

10. I am afraid to get too close to people. My experience taught me that once I became too close to certain people such as a best friend, I tend to hurt them verbally and mentally abuse them. That's one of the reason I am afraid to have best buddy or whatsoever, afraid that my flaws will hurt them.

11. I love drawing, music, and anything else not so sciency, Yet, I'm taking engineering as my academic career path, not sure how this will work haha

12. I do have a pretty negative stereotype on Mainland China people, Africans, fat Americans. But I have to force myself to love everyone as everyone is a masterpiece by God. We all have flaws, and we have to bear each other with love. Experience taught me that stereotyping bring more harm than good.

13. I have a soft spot for girls, the kind of girl who is mature, down to earth, special, ready to make a stand for what she believe in, remain pure although the environment is corrupted, strong in faith in Jesus, diligent, a bit of sarcasm in everything, same type of thinking as me, understanding, kind hearted. I'll not worry about my future spouse if I do have one. I don't mind not having one, it's not a good thing to marry just for the sake of marriage. If it is God's plan for me to be in a marriage, I believe that the marriage is meant to bless more people. Therefore, God will control, God will decide. I'll pray before making any moves, choices,, and let the peace of God to guide me.

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