Sunday 31 July 2016


A month into the job now. I felt so lonely. I don't have friends a all. Partly due to my very shy and introvert nature. I went to church, standing there alone awkwardly after service. I don't like having small talks, and I don't bother to waste my energy to talk to other people.

I really hated small talks in a large social setting.
But what to do, it's part of courtesy in the culture of Britain. "How are u?" is just a courtesy, nobody really want to know how are u. Slowly but sure, I begin to say "how are u" without meaning it. I felt so superficial and fake, but I guess when I'm in UK, do like the British.

I just don't know la, alone. I don't mind being alone. What I mind is people staring at me as if they never seen people alone before. It's like a huge taboo if someone is standing there alone with nobody to talk to. Personally I think it's fine. But I guess the social pressure in the UK is different.

Saturday 9 July 2016

Got a job

So,, I have a job as an industrial placement student in an engineering consultancy company.
I have a 9-5 job, staring at computer screen the whole time trying to figure out what's going on in codings and science.

Come to think about it, I really thank God for providing everything. Everything that I have now, the position that I'm in now, its from God and I want to give him all glory and praise, for without him none of this would happen. Many will do it without difficulty but I faced a lot of challenges and I wanna give God the highest glory.

Things I worry about or thinking it'll be very hard had come out fine.

In Jan 2016, I'm still worry if I can get a placement; now I'm officially in the company already.
In April 2016, I'm worry if I can get a good house with good price and location; now I'm comfortably settled into the new house.
All these are miracles to me, it may seem very normal or petty but it's a great deal to me

So I just wanna praise God and I know that God placed me in this position for a reason, to glorify him as well as blessing others