Tuesday 2 June 2015

Things in the past

Sometimes in the middle of the night, I screamed out loud. I just can't seem to get past the past. The mistakes and the guilt, the shame took a huge grip on me, almost like a burden. I just can't face them. Because of it, I'm more careful. I am more careful to lead a perfect life, which is utterly impossible. God is in me, he cleanse me from within.

2015: I watch porn and masturbate. Some say it's healthy but spiritually it's deadly because I lust for fleshy things. It will all go back to dust when they die and rot. 

2014: I broke people's doors

2013: Regrets over some friends in USA

2012: Failed at band competitions.

2010: Get into unnecessary trouble with the disciplinary teacher. Infatuations.

2009 and 2008: What am I doing? Principal's son got into a lot of unwanted attention and trouble.  

I'm pretty sure they will be more for 2015, 2016, 2017 ...etc. Haiz. God, thank you for loving me even though I'm pretty much a failure.

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