Thursday 14 May 2015

How I feel before writing up a CV

I need something to do this summer.
Yesterday in my Uni summer employment fair, there's a booth where they wanna hire team members for a restaurant. I dunno what to think.

Now i am planning to email them my CV. I feel so nervous. I dunno what to think. Is this the One? An I suitable? WHAT if I not suitable?

So much things to worry.
I am afraid of people. I can't advertise myself well. I have no confidence. Haiz

I love doing resume than CV. CV can bullshit all the way. Resume can't. Somehow the employers in UK more focused on what you said about yourself, not the qualifications actually. It's all about how I can convince them that I'm good. Hence, public speaking and persuasion skills are very crucial. Thus, many people who talk-only-but-do-nothing, they get the jobs. Those who are suitable but just not so excellent in selling themselves, they won't get the job

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