Monday 10 November 2014

And I'm suddenly reminded

Today and yesterday me and a friend went to lunch and dinner, invited by church member and Christian Union people respectively.

It really surprises me on how talkative she is, and I wonder why am I sitting through this. Then I realized, she was talking about her life testimony, to give God glory. At first, I was a bit annoyed, but then the instant understanding struck me and I begin to see why God placed me there. It's either my own deduction or the Holy Spirit put his in my heart.

So, yeah, her parents are missionaries. They have no money, yet all their children went overseas for studies, with scholarships. God really blessed them as they walk faithfully with God. It really struck me right deep down to realize that all this while, I'm not so grateful to God. It made me realized that how boastful I am in all my doings without giving glory to God.

Then, it struck me again that all these blessings are from God, we ought to give him back by blessing others, give God all the glory and let people see Jesus Christ through our life testimony. I always have this intuition, I have no idea if it's from me or from God. But somehow, this intuition led me to higher heights, there "stupid ideas" led  me to where I am now, for now.

And it made me come to think that God indeed had blessed our family. All glory to God. Yes, it's against the normal society's convention. But in the end, God's name be glorified. People will be thinking like "What for you took the hard way?" "Why would you do that stupid thing?"
But bear in mind that God's equation far exceeds our human's calculation. God's blessings are far greater than the human cost. We may not see it now, but God had prepared a mansion, treasures for us in heaven as we gather treasures in heaven, in Jesus' name. I always wanted to serve, and I committed these things to God and he did open doors, but I have to walk through the door, by his strength.

I know that I am prepared to do much greater things, through Christ who strengthens me. I have no idea where, this is still the honeymoon period.

So it's like this, God asked Dad to give up everything to follow him, and he became a pastor. Much sacrifices were made. And then, who would ever thought that his 3 children got scholarship to study in UK. People would say "well, I got the easy way and my children are in UK too! nothing to boast about" But if we see my dad's life as a single journey without comparing others, we can literally see that God's hand and miracles are working through our family. God is real. All we can do is to praise him, trust him, give everything, commit everything to him, and He will make a way, to let his name be shown to all men.

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