Tuesday 29 July 2014

Beethoven's 5 Secrets - OneRepublic (Cello/Orchestral Cover) - ThePianoGuys

Today I am greatly inspired by this orchestra. It's very smoothing and much better than the modern music.

The slow process

I expected everything to be perfect, especially the timing.

But I did my best, it's not that I am not ok, but the university management is super slow

I've been waiting for the refund that suppose to come in mid July, but hmmmm
I expect unconditional offer letter and CAS letter to come last week, but lately the university is super slow. Common la, it's July 30 already, I really need the CAS letter. I so jealous when see other people so easy do everything. But comparing doesn't make things better.

Haiz,, do I have to wait until last minute to rush everything off? It's not that I'm slow, but the management team is. All I have to do is wait and let the miracle happen. It's tough to wait, but I have to train myself to wait. Taking up other people's shit,,, ahhhhhh

Thursday 24 July 2014


Honest rant: immaturity ahead hahahah!!!

I feel so sad. I accidentally locked the door from the outside without the keys. In the end, thank God that Locksmith is available at 11.30pm, and got it unlock, cost me RM80. Anyhow, it made me realised that the society will do anything, especially cheating, to make money.

I lost faith and confidence in buying stuff now. Everything made me feel cheated by the dealer. It made me feel so dumb and the dealer probably very happy that I spent a considerable amount of money unto some cheap stuff. What to do?

There's an inner voice that tells me not to count too much, let it go. Thank God for everything. I am currently looking for the best deal for eye glasses. RM300> So hurt wehhh.

Anyway, this is the road to lead me to adulthood, the real world, the real shit haha!! Sharks are everywhere for money. But I wonder if I can be the change, the salt and light of the society as Jesus commanded us to be. Maybe if I could be the one who do not conform to the society (Rom 12:2), instead, bring out love and warmth to the others. In the midst of dishonesty, even though if I am treated with dishonestly, Let God's wisdom, peace, love be with me. Thank God, yup they say I'm super honest, but I'm not sure if that's usable in the society today.