Thursday 19 December 2013


I'm back to hometown and honestly I 'm not a happy boy. Well, I don't have a ride, so have to depend on parents to fetch me around. Thank God for them. What to do? No car means no independence. It's funny how Asian parents sometimes see children's independent as rebellion. Yet, if you dont allow the child to make mistake and learn from it, he'll be a child forever. In the end you suffer because he is not mature enough. Yet the main probelm is the miscomunication between parents and children. Parents might not know the time and the degree of letting go. The children may not understand the parent's feeling.

For 6 months I'm living alone, now suddenly I have to adapt to living with my parents. Somehow I don't like it. U can say I'm an ungrateful, immature child, I don't mind, because I am. I don't know where to draw the line, the boundary, the limit of our interaction.

No matter how big I think I am, parents will still treat me like a 3 year old. That's what happened to my 22 years old sisters. I understand that it is very normal for parents to worry about children's well being. But being concerned doesn't mean u have to deprive them of their freedom and independence. It will be better if u trust them, knowing that they are mature enough to face the real world. Yes, we may fail but that's how we learn. Every mistakes make us tougher. We will still come to u for guidance. It is very important for us to develop our own thoughts. Sometimes Asian parents think this is disobedient. Being disobedient doesn't mean I'm having my own stand, and vice versa.

So much things in my mind. I need a readjustment for the interaction between me and parents. It doesn't make sense if all of us are unhappy because the line is drawn wrongly. I believe if we can talk to each other without egoistic condemnation, a win-win situation will be form.

Honestly, until I get to drive, get a house and get a job, I will still be dependent on my parents. Asian style

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