Friday 25 October 2013


I am just ranting, why am I using most of my time studying things that are mostly useless in the real working world?
I just wish there is a system where the education teaches me how to be an entrepreneur or investor at young age, OR how to suit into the system of a big company.

I am just wondering. Of course, I spent 12 hours a day last year studying and it pays off with a full scholarship! Praise the Lord, he sustained me and made the impossible, possible, by his grace and mercy and his exceedingly abundant love.

Just a simple question from an innocent 18 year old: why am I studying these subjects which are not related to work? Is this obviously a waste of time and resources?  Why not teach us some soft skills and train us to be leaders instead? I am pretty sure at least 50% of what I studied in University is not applicable in my future job.

Just like in SPM, honestly I remember minimal things due to lack of application. But what I do pick up in the process is time management and discipline. But is all these soft skills justify the huge amount of time, energy, and money spent on formal education?

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