Wednesday 18 September 2013


A parable of the Y-generation of Malaysia

Once upon a time, there is a beautiful place underground. It was filled with beautiful people and happy faces. Although it was dirty like a sewer, the people are satisfied with what they had. Soon, more and more people of different origins came down to the underground place to make a living. Some made a fortune while others are still in poverty. Yet, all of them are happy. The different groups of people are content with what they had, and they made the underground a rich place.

Soon, some educated cleaners from the city above, came down to the underground place and start cleaning up the area. The cleaners worked for a company called "British Empire". The cleaners believe that they should interfere with the things happening underground so that the area will be clean, although their methods can be harsh. The cleaners ordained laws and regulations on the underground place, and made it a clean, beautiful heaven for all, although sacrifices has to be made. 

Soon, war broke out. The city and the underground were caught in the catastrophic battles which ruined the riches. Soon, the people of the underground resisted the cleaners and chase the cleaners away. Now, the underground is under the control of the original underground people, which filled the power vacuum when the cleaners left. Initially, the leader of the underground community did a good job in making the underground a heaven once again. People are getting rich and have a happy life. However, as time pass by, the leaders are indulging in dirty politics, cronyism, corruption and abuse of power. The voices of the people left unheeded by the leader. There is a profound society gap between the leaders and the people. Due to neglect, the beautiful underground soon became a sewer, filled with dirty fat rats. Those who are born prior to the war knew that they were in a sewer and they moved out to the city above and made a new start. Yet, those who are born after the war have no idea that they were in fact living in sewer.

Years passed by, and I was born. I am born in the era where rich facade concealed the core dirtiness of the sewer. I was content with the sewer and planned to spend my entire life there. I was wondering why more and more of my friends are moving up to the city to start all over again, to the extend that they left everything they had in the sewer. I thought the sewer is a better place than the city above. Opportunity struck when I got a chance to visit the city above, an area called "USA" for 5 months. I have an eye opener to witness the city life compared to the sewer.. After 5 months of happiness in the city, I was dropped back to the sewer. Now then I know the disgusting truth about the sewer. The sewer has the potential to be the greatest underground heaven for all. Yet, the leaders are incapable and incompatible. 

I would like to get out of the sewer. But, in the mean time, I would also like to be an agent of change in the sewer so that the sewer can be cleaned up to its former glory. It is widely believed that to clean a sewer, you have to get out of it. You can't clean a sewerage when you are in the midst of it. However, most people who managed to escape the sewer never came back again, and the sewer is getting worse as dirty rats became rampant. It will be my dream to get out of the sewer, and tell the people of the sewer about the truth (if they haven't heard about it). The sewer is filled with lies to cheat the gullible people. If only my fellow friends know that they are living in a sewer, if only I can get out of the sewer..... 

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