Tuesday, 27 August 2013

College again

yes, it's just the begining of the semester and I am feeling down

I am not as hardworking as I was during high school

Well, I am struggling to keep up the excelence,, my time management can not cope it

It is only by the grace of God that I becae an excellent student in SPM

So i am trusting God for the foundation year..

Well,,,  I can do all things thru Christ who strengthens me

What really bugs my mind is that my classmates are hardworking. I am not. I feel guilty whenever I didn't tried my very best for the exams.. I did not tried my best in everything like I did back in High school..

God, thank you for the strength. I know you have a great plan for me. I'm just lazy, too lazy. It doesnt mean that I have to emulate someone who is deemed excellent. I have my own way of doing things, own kind of success. If i am rigidly compared to my sisters, I will be damned. Yet, I can excel in other fields. Thank God for that. But when parental pressure comes into the equation, things will be difficult. It is hard sometimes to see the line between respectful and logical-rationality.

God bless me! Yes, God is good to me